... for knitting! You know all my posts before about gardening? Well, now that the garden is pretty much put to bed (still got some lettuce in there! Yes Indeed!), the focus switches from outside to inside as we spend more and more time near the coziness of the fireplace.
For me, that means knitting. My sweater is almost done, which means my mind is gravitating toward my next project. Oh, the possibilities!! I have
this yarn in sapphire, a blend of merino, cashmere (!) and nylon. It's not cheap, let me tell you, so choosing the project is quite an undertaking. I want to do another
sweater, the same as my brown one, but in short sleeves, but I'm also thinking that a really long comfy cowl would be just the thing to keep me from totally dreading the onset of winter. Especially with this merino/cashmere blend. Yummy.
You might wonder why the yarn I choose is a little on the pricey side. I tried knitting with the less expensive yarns, and it just didn't work for me. The pieces would be scratchy, or the drape not quite right. Knitting takes Time. And, like I've mentioned before, Time is Precious. So why waste (a lot of) Time on something you are not going to like the looks of when you're done, or, before that even, not enjoy knitting with? Because knitting is a process. I feel the yarn in my hands. I think about things; not only the thing I'm making, but who I'm making it for. My mind wanders, plans for the day, week, or, further. It's meditative. Doctors say it's good for lowering one's stress level. The better the yarn feels, the more sedate I become. A good yarn is seductive. It lures you into a place of quiet and peace, no matter what your surroundings. And, when you do it in public, it's a great conversation starter.
I'm not a high-maintenance type. I don't go for mani's or pedi's. My clothes are almost all second-hand. I grow a lot of our own food. I don't go to "lunch". My hair is wash-and-go.
But my yarn... it's my "happy place" and it's worth a little more.
What's on your needles these days?