Saturday, 23 March 2013

Frost on the Fringe

Oooh, it was a chilly one this morning.  Not as chilly as some of my friends in Alberta, mind you, but cold enough.  Once the sun peaked over the hill behind our house, the frost faded away for the most part, but lingered in the shadowy places, like the shadow of the garden gate.

The lambs were not quite sure what to think of it either.  I try to keep them all in the barn all curled up and cosy in the fresh straw, but their mothers have other ideas.  I swear they can hear me come out the front door, no matter how quiet I try to be, and start bellowing to be let out onto the pasture.  The lambs, thankfully, are all doing well, and can keep themselves warm running races all over the pasture -- sometimes right over top of their mothers!  Yes, quite a circus around here lately.

Michie casts a disdainful look -- not sure if it's at the frost, or those pesky lambs who keep getting in the way of her barn mousing adventures.

Oh, and Stella had her babies on Wednesday night!  Two sweet little ewes - one white and one black - born in the early evening, quick and uneventful (as far as birth goes!).  Pictures in a few days after they are well-acquainted with each other.

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