Thursday 30 August 2018

New beginnings

Hello.  It's been a while.  I have been focusing on my children as they continue to grow and venture farther from home, for longer periods.  I have been focusing on my health, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis about 5 years ago and decided to radically change my diet instead of opting for drugs.  We moved, in town still, but a move is still a move, and it sometimes takes a while to find a groove in a new setting.  We have 4 acres now instead of 2, beside a beautiful creek.  And I have found... it's too much.  I am good with 2 acres.  Moving forward, this is good to know!  We have stopped breeding the sheep, and are currently keeping 5 ewes as lawn mowers.  (Why?  Our daughter is now a vegan... 'nuff said.)  I have down-sized the turkeys considerably, only keeping a breeding pair of the Royal Palms at the moment, concentrating on my chickens, particularly on the ameraucanas (wheatens and mottleds).  We have added guinea fowl, which are fun, and a lot less maintenance than the chickens.  I have shifted focus on the ducks, from the swedish to anconas.  I can feel now, that I have time to maintain this blog if anyone cares to read it.  If you do, please let me know.  If not, I can archive it and move on, and I thank you for your time.