Wednesday, 29 August 2012

In Gratitude

This was going to be a post about D-day:

As in Dead Duck for Dinner.

But it's not.

Instead, this is a post about gratitude.

I am thankful for so many things right now:

:: the duck that gave his life for our meal;
:: the woman who writes a blog (listed below) who outlined exactly what to do;
:: the old friend who I spoke with this morning who had some simple words of wisdom and experience;
:: my study habits, retention, and courage to go through with it as quickly and humanely as possible;
:: my mom, for showing me, as a teenager, how to properly cut up a chicken;
:: my family, for their unwavering, quiet support and acceptance;
:: a new friend, who is also on the precipice of killing one's own food, with whom I know I can be understood and not looked upon as a monster as some of my vegetarian friends may do  (I'm not.);
:: the new-found knowledge that, yes, I can provide for my family, good, healthy, antibiotic-free, hormone-free, cruelty-free meat;
:: my dog, for forgiving me so quickly for taking another's life so deliberately.

...and so many things that my brain is overflowing with thanks.

Go in peace, friends.

If you are interested in the how-to, please refer to this website: The Girl's Guide to Guns and Butter.  The information and photos are just graphic enough to make you feel like you actually know what you're doing.

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