Friday 14 September 2012


My weekend reading post will be absent again.  I've had some trouble getting into a good book lately for a variety of reasons.  It's September.  (In case you were unaware.)  Septemberrrrrrr. We've actually been hitting near-frost temperatures around here the past several nights.  And with warm afternoons and chilly overnights, I've got my hands full.  We've been outside as much as possible, enjoying the afternoon warmth that may or may not be with us much longer.  And our early evenings are spent making sure the garden is well-tucked in -- and harvesting as much as possible --

-- and the littles are warm.  Mama turkey Violet still has her 2 (we sold the other 8), and the 4 chicks that are now 5 weeks old still need a bit of heat overnight, though they are spending their days outdoors.  Then there's Beep, who still seems happy in the incubator, between bouts of being toted around in some kind of kid-made contraption.  Beep will stay in there (I can gradually lower the temperature) until she really starts to feather-out, then weather-pending, she'll start spending days outside.  I think I will put together a little chicken tractor for the garden as things are finishing up, for the 4 older chicks and Beep to do their chicken thing.  Oh, and there's next week, when Tasha's littles are due to hatch. And she's sitting on 20 eggs.  Oh, my.

Then, the fact that it's September.  It kind of sneaked up on me.  I wasn't ready to go back to schedules, even though we are homeschooling this year, and more "unschooling" than anything.  We are at the dance studio 3 times/week, plus soccer practice and games, 4H every second week, and music for the little man.  I will breathe a little deeper once October is here and soccer is done and most of the harvesting is also done.  Most because I plan to grow stuff as long as possible, whether with cloches, under plastic, or with straw bales and old windows.  

Oh, and my little reading light died on me, which is where I do most of my reading, in bed, just before the heaviness of my eye lids overcomes me.  So, stay tuned; I have a mess of books on my nightstand and I will get back to those weekly reading posts.  Soon.

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