Thursday, 26 July 2012

It's OK to Play With Your Food

Sometimes it's a challenge to get veggies into the mouths of little people.  So you gotta make it FUN.  And Fun sometimes means playing with your food.  I'm OK with that, as long as they EAT the food they play with (and that their little grubby hands are clean)!

Usually, throughout the day, the daughter is very good at eating a variety of healthy things (she wasn't always that way).  The boy, on the other hand, is a worry.  Like, a whole day on just bread, pasta, and cheese.  Yeesh.  So, when I realize come dinner, that he hasn't really got much goodness into him that day, I often opt for a Face.  That being, a veggie burger (processed, unfortunately), with some funky hair and additional interesting body parts, which all come with a commentary.  Yes, I speak for the Face.  For example: little boy hand reaches for the "tongue" (a cherry) and pops it into his mouth, and my monologue will go something like, "Hmmm.  What a nice boy this is, looking at me all cute and smiley.  Wait a minute, what is he doing.  WHAT is he DOING??  Hey, that's my thon.  You canth eath thab!!"  At which time, little boy erupts into giggles and conspires which next body part to eat next.

Hey, we do what we can, right?

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